Super Bowl LI Advertisers Strategic Playbook: Brand Promotion Working Overtime


  • Clay Craig Texas State University
  • Shannon Bichard Texas Tech University
  • Mary Liz Brooks West Texas A&M University



The magnitude of the Super Bowl has prompted advertisers to produce content as grand as the sporting event itself (Veksner, 2015, p. 130). The 2017 game was particularly unique with the historic face-off between the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots (Bergman, 2017; Breech; 2017). This paper examined brand promotion during Super Bowl LI by analyzing appeals, creative strategies, and tactics in television commercials and social media as well as consumer affect from USA Today’s Ad Meter rankings. Results indicate that advertisers made great efforts to feature appeals and strategic messaging during the game to fit each promotional platform.

Author Biographies

  • Clay Craig, Texas State University

    Clay M Craig, Ph.D. is an associate professor within the School of Journalism & Mass Communication at Texas State University. He teaches strategic communication, advertising, media planning, and campaign development undergraduate and graduate classes. His research interests include: representation, pedagogy, message strategy, and dark tourism. He holds a B.S. in Psychology from University of Texas Austin and an MBA and Ph.D. in Mass Communication from Texas Tech University. 

  • Shannon Bichard, Texas Tech University

    Shannon Bichard, Ph.D. is an associate professor and department chair of the Advertising & Brand Strategy Department at Texas Tech University. She teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses on strategic communication, branding, and campaign development. Her research focuses on new media, advertising, and underrepresented populations. She holds a B.A. and M.A. in Communication from the University of Central Florida and a Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Florida.

  • Mary Liz Brooks, West Texas A&M University

    Mary E. Brooks, Ph.D., is an assistant professor within the Department of Communication at West Texas A&M University where she teaches courses within the media and communication discipline. Her research work includes: the representation of marginalized groups in advertising, podcasting and advertising, social issues in global ads, and pedagogy. Brooks holds a B.A. in Mass Communication from West Texas A&M University, a M.A. in Communication Systems Management from Angelo State University and a Ph.D. in Media and Communication from Texas Tech University. 


