Innovativeness, Interactivity, and the Adoption of Streaming Television




streaming television, innovation, interactivity, uses and gratifications


Streaming television channels such as Netflix and Hulu have steadily grown in viewership, with many users abandoning traditional cable and broadcast sources of televised content. The purpose of this study was to assess whether personal innovativeness and perceived interactivity predict people’s intentions to stream video. Using an online survey (N = 790), it was determined that while innovativeness was a significant predictor, the perceived interactivity of the streaming experience best predicted streaming television viewing.

Author Biographies

  • Alec Charles Tefertiller, Kansas State University
    Assistant Professor, A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications
  • Kim Bartel Sheehan, University of Oregon
    Professor and Advertising and Brand Responsibility Master's Program Director, School of Journalism and Communication


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