#NotAllBaptismByFire: The state of social media training at student-run communication organizations


  • Sarah Maben Tarleton State University
  • Kay Colley Texas Wesleyan University




Advisers (n=112) and student leaders (n=31) from North American collegiate student-run communication organizations reported on their social media training. Through a snowball sample, advisers and student leaders from campus newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations, advertising/public relations firms filled out an online questionnaire. As a state of social media training study, these findings provide a picture of student-run communication organizations today and their training experiences with social media. A little more than half included social media in their training, which focused on professionalism and content creation. Likewise, content creation and professionalism were the topics advisers reported students needed most. Advisers agreed or strongly agreed that students needed social media training and that social media usage is an integral part of their organizations. Researchers provide recommendations for future study and directions for training improvement.


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