Effects of Brand Feedback to Negative eWOM on Attitude Toward the Product


  • Manu Bhandari Arkansas State University
  • Shelly Rodgers Missouri School of Journalism




Brands often provide a response, or brand feedback, to negative online reviews or electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). The current research investigates whether brand feedback to negative eWOM by reviewers can impact information processing of visiting consumers who read the negative eWOM to make a purchase decision, particularly on the consumers’ attitude toward the featured product. Results from a 2 (Brand Feedback: Present/Absent) X 2 (Products: Laptop/TV) between-subjects experiment show the presence of brand feedback may have implications for consumers’ information processing online. Although the effects found were not very strong, the findings nevertheless did give some indications brand feedback to negative eWOM can affect consumer’s attitude toward the featured product. The study tends to support the usefulness of a dynamic (two or multi-way information flow between reviewers, brands, other consumers) rather than static (one-way information flow from reviewers to others) conceptualization of eWOM that allows for brands’ participation.


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