The Miracle Question: The Islamic ideal through the prism of Senegalise Sufi Brotherhoods


  • R.S. Kip Wotkyns III Metropolitan State University of Denver



The biggest news story in journalism for the past two decades has been chronicling the rise of radical Islamic terrorism. But, what do Muslims want? What would the world be like if they achieved their goals? If Muslims went to sleep one magical night and a miracle occurred, what would their ideal world be like upon awakening? What if all the problems were gone? I posed the “miracle question” to Sufi Islamic scholars, marabouts, disciples of Sufi Brotherhood orders, the Tijaniyyah, the Mourides and the Layene Brotherhoods in Senegal, West Africa in June 2015. I asked them to envision how the future would be different if the Sufi Islamic ideal was achieved. This research uses narrative inquiry to examine the endgame of Islam.


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